你没事找事的真有毛病, 你以为自己是老几啊? 老娘帮忙是出于好心,听你说你的心事, 教你一些人士道道。 你傻不溜秋的真以为我是你的全职therapist啊? 需要就到, 不需要连理都不理; 虽然说我也很忙, 也顾不着每个人,可是我会尽力。 你何时能长大啊? 何时能交一些真正适合你的朋友? 何时能知道该放下的就得放下, 有些人你没有必要去理会也没有必要去傻傻地去通知我。 有些事你得学会妥当地处理, 没头没脑的你会得罪都少人?你还真以为我是professional啊?什么事儿都能用objective的角度去看么? 错!我是有血有肉也有感情的一个人, 我没有时间跟你们去玩那些幼稚的游戏。 你和她是你们的问题, 请不要把我卷入是非。好好的我 对你们都不错,你们的事请不要拿我当筹码。 我受不起这么高的抬举!!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
poem lantl
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
wrote this on a late night study session in Statler...
Differences between man and man, position/education/occupation held often is perceived as how much a person is worth. Socioeconomic statuses really stratify one from another. When I see janitors cleaning up after students at midnight, I feel a sense of tragic loneliness. Glamorous day aspect of a building in an Ivy League school, who knew how lonely and sad it gets at night and those who provide services at night. Honestly, I don’t know what I should feel towards those who might not have had as good opportunities as I have had. Pity? No, they are equal human beings but I still feel a sense of sadness. When people are sleeping, they are working under the moonlight. I think what I want to eventually tell my own kids is that no matter what you feel or feel hopelessly that you can’t help them all, the very least thing you can do is to respect them: say thank you whenever you have a chance. It makes me happy to say that to bus drivers after they dropped me off at a stop even if I am on a bad day. Saying something cheerful not only brings up own mood but could have potentially also just turned another’s bad day slightly better. Life is unfair but everyone deserves respect.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Some thoughts...
Honestly, why is it so hard? So much turmoil and unnecessary emotions involved. It is really time to move on and not hold on to the past, is that so difficult to understand? I am not as great as you think I am, I don’t define who you are. Please don’t stand so close, please don’t draw me back to that uncertain blackhole. Let’s be fair, and call it truce.
Soon, we will part our ways and paths hopefully will not cross again. You are only one paragraph in my life, and I would like to move on with the rest of chapters and turning pages. Wake up, what you consider possible isn’t really at the moment, don’t get caught up in nostalgia and take my kindness for granted. Grow up, not everyone will wait and take baby steps with you. Life is full of giant leaps of faith.
Last time I devote my thoughts to you. Good bye.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Outdoor outlet shopping center! a whole new shopping experience..
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Summer in Cinci
Anyways, that's my life experience in Cinci for now... I will post later about my thoughts about this job and future career aspirations.